“Shamanic Wisdom:
Healing and Empowering the Body, Mind and Spirit”
Presented by: John Ruiz
This workshop will introduce you to Shamanism and it’s wisdom and principals that you can use in daily life to help you better understand your authentic self, and the power which you can use to live a happier, healthier, and abundant life. Claiming this power and knowledge will help heal long standing issues that has kept you from having meaningful relationships and achieving goals, as well as allow you to realize the life you deserve instead of the life you just dream about.
We will begin the day by creating sacred space, then honoring Great Spirit and the Divine Essences in all of us by drumming and chanting in Native American and Indigenous Traditions. You will learn the deeper meaning of drumming and how it affects the function of the brain and our consciousness so that we can connect with our higher selves, as well access as the power of the “Universal Mind” for knowledge, wisdom and healing in the same way the ancients and our ancestors practice throughout the world. You will learn how drumming is as “natural” as breathing and eating, and how it was the first language you knew when you first came into the earth plane from the Spirit World as a baby.
You will experience the healing power of “Platica,” a group process used by Native and Indigenous people to heal and clear, in a safe and sacred space, blocked energy that may be weighing heavy in your heart.
You will have the opportunity to connect and establish important relationships with your “Power Animals” Totem or Spirits Guides that have been with you since you were a child. Most of us made these early connections with our Animal Spirit Guides through little stuffed animals, such as teddy bears, rabbits, or puppies given to us as gifts by our family and friends. They accompanied us everywhere we went and kept us safe at night from the “boogie man.”
You will learn about the process of “Soul Loss” which happens when we are traumatized by the loss of something or someone special to us. This trauma can occur in many ways. Some examples are divorce, the death of someone close, accidents, war, rape, drugs, and emotional or physical abuse experience as children or adults. You will have the opportunity to complete an exercise that will tell you if you are suffering from Soul Loss, or other serious long- standing issues and or problems you have not been able to heal with years of therapy or other forms of medical intervention. Other names for “Soul Loss” are PTSD, (Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder), and Disassociation.
You will learn about “Soul Retrieval” which is the process used by healers and Shamans to heal Soul Loss. We will complete the day with everyone receiving a “limpa” which is a healing or clearing of negative energy using plants, (lavender, eucalyptus branches), and or feathers the way practiced by Native and Indigenous Shamans and Healers.
Register at John’s website: www.ancestralhealingpathways.com