Second Day of Reiki Second Degree (RIIB aka Advanced Reiki Training)
Results in emotional/mental/soul healing at a deeper level. This class is the bridge from the physical to the spiritual levels, and is a perfect transition to the Master level of training. Advanced healing techniques will help you move forward; they will also become valuable tools for helping your clients move through what is limiting them in their lives. The focus is on learning how to reframe negative, restricting feelings and emotions into those that are positive and help to open to the possibilities that are available to you. (Prerequisite: Level I and II)
One Day Workshop: $190, includes materials fee, 9:30 am – 5:30 pm
Dimensions of Reality and Reiki
Heart & Soul Healing
Advanced Technique called Reframing
Spiritual Protection and Thoughtforms
Advanced Technique called Reiki Psychic Surgery
Attunement—Opening to the Pathway to Mastership
Advanced Level II Reiki Practitioner