ESAC - Living Reiki
225 30th St., Suite 311, Sacramento, CA, United States
“Shamanic Wisdom: Healing and Empowering the Body, Mind and Spirit” Presented by: John Ruiz This workshop will introduce you to Shamanism and it’s wisdom and principals that you can use in daily life to help you better understand your authentic …Continue reading →
ESAC - Living Reiki
225 30th St., Suite 311, Sacramento, CA, United States
Shamanic Drumming and Healing CircleA friendly and energizing gathering where you will meet and make new friends of like interests and energy, where you can drum, chant, and share experiences from the heart that may need healing in a safe, …Continue reading →
ESAC - Living Reiki
225 30th St., Suite 311, Sacramento, CA, United States
Class: $150, plus materials cost (see Drum Making material list, below)DRUM MAKING WORKSHOPProgram Day 1Honor Great Spirit, Directions and create scared space, with chanting and drumming.Ask Great Spirit for guidance, wisdom and connection with the spirit of drum we are …Continue reading →