Welcome to Living Reiki

Message from Marion Hakata –

October 4, 2024

Thank you for visiting this website! The investment and time you take to focus on your very own healing takes a good while, much courage, and patience, but step by step, your inherent quality of life is improved. The ultimate reward is discovering your authenticity, personal power, and Divine purpose. Healing opens one’s self to unending possibilities and desire to serve, that in turn, will help others uncover their beautiful gifts to eventually share with humanity. The effect is exponential and the reach is great…

The healing energy that humanity needs now is compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love. The old beliefs, judgements, limitations can be replaced by unconditional love.  The Culturally Created self, Dormant Self, and Shadows found within each of us want to heal in order to be the Authentic Self.

Usui Reiki and Holy Fire Reiki can and will support anyone who desires and is willing to heal and is ready to navigate the path to discovery of one’s authenticity, Divine purpose, and enlightenment.

Class offerings are available as follows:

  • Usui Reiki I – October 6
  • Usui Reiki II – November 3
  • Usui/Holy Fire RI – December 15
  • Usui/Holy Fire RII – January 5, 2025
  • Usui/Holy Fire Reiki III, Reiki Master, Group 5:
    Day 1, November 10; Day 2 – December 8; Day 3 – January 12, 2025

To sign up for any of the above classes, please click on  Workshop Registration

If you want to sign up for a workshop but there is no date yet, please let Marion know.

Questions?  Text 916-531-8298, Attention: MARION HAKATA.

Usually one of the first questions most likely to be asked is as follows:

Q.  How do I know which Reiki system to take, Usui vs. Holy Fire?

A.  For those new to Reiki and who are just stepping on the path for healing self, the traditional Usui Reiki may be the workshop for you. It focuses on healing yourself, on the body, mind, and spirit through learning about the chakras, auras, and other basic concepts. The Reiki Master teacher is more involved with helping you build a strong Reiki foundation for healing. The Usui workshops are not a prerequisite for taking the Holy Fire levels of training.

The Holy Fire series may appeal more to those who have been doing their own physical, emotional and mental healing work over a period of time, who have taken other workshops, and now are prepared to heal and learn on the spiritual level to discover their authentic selves and life purpose.  The Reiki Master teacher is a healing facilitator, but much of the work is accomplished by the Holy Fire and Source directly with the Reiki student. The energy of this class is Usui Reiki that is upgraded to a higher energy frequency, vibration, and light; and the attunement process has also been upgraded.

No one Reiki healing system is better than the other. Usui Reiki and Holy Fire Reiki are both very powerful. It is a matter of which system of healing feels right for each student. 

“You are not a drop in the ocean.
You are the entire ocean in a drop.”

April 11, 2023

There have been so many positive changes in this Year of the Rabbit! 2023 invites elevated energies of longevity, peace, harmony, and prosperity. This is truly a year of hope where creativity is enhanced and the focus on healing one’s self and service to others is being supported in many ways.

It has been exciting for Living Reiki to start this year teaching both the traditional I & II Usui classes as well as the Holy Fire® Reiki III Master class. Group 1 of the Holy Fire® Reiki III, Masters completed their first of three days of training and will take their second day tomorrow. Following is a testimonial after day 1 from John Ruiz, Shamanic Healing & Curandero – Indigenous Healer

“I have been processing the information and relating it to my current cycle in life more specifically how I perceive, experience and apply to life in the new higher energy frequency especially after the first day of our Holy Fire class! One very notable shift is in my dreams, as they’ve become very super clear, relevant to my current life activities for healing and understanding. I’m also dreaming about unresolved issues/situations of the past—why I called certain experiences and people into my life! In the next two days of class, I will set the intention and trust the (experience, placement and ignition) process to do its magic and healing!” ~ John Ruiz

Thank you for your beautiful words, John Ruiz. It is an honor to have you in this intensive!

With gratitude and appreciation,

Marion Hakata, RMT, CMT,
Holistic Health Practitioner, CAMTC #28173
Usui, Holy Fire® III and Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki®


January 12, 2023

Living Reiki has moved from the Fair Oaks Village location and can now be found at Fair Oaks Massage Institute on 10723 Fair Oaks Boulevard effective January 1. 

Now that the holidays are over, 2023 classes are now being scheduled. Pre-registration is required before the start of each class.

More info:  Workshop Registration

Dates for the following class below will be scheduled in the second half of 2023.

Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master
A 3-day intensive
(Requirement:  6 months as a Reiki Master)

Students who take this Karuna class will receive deep healing and elevation of consciousness experiences to take away with them. They will get closer to discovering their authenticity as well as more information relative to soul purpose.  Putting Karuna energy, which is compassionate action, together with Holy Fire, is a powerful combination. Some of the Students who recently completed training have reported:

“Life as a HF III Karuna Reiki®  master is much more elevated.
The difference is remarkable and life changing.”

“Holy Fire has completely changed how I view
myself and others, it is a beautiful gift…
My soul felt safe enough…to reveal
parts of myself I had forgotten.”

“Holy means whole-body healing and
Fire means Source energy.”

Karuna is “compassionate action.”

Reiki means “spiritually-guided” life force energy.

Subjects Covered:

  • What is Karuna, What is Holy Fire and Their Evolution
  • 8 Practitioner Symbols, one Master Symbol
  • Evolution of Holy Fire® Reiki and Karuna Reiki®
  • Experiences, Placements, and Ignitions
  • Chanting and Toning
  • Soul, Spirit, 12 Heavens, Formless Realm
  • Brothers and Sisters of the Light
  • Different Levels of Self getting ready to heal
    …And More

More Information:  Workshop Registration

Love and light,
Marion Hakata

We are at the half-way mark of 2022! Living Reiki is happy to announce that Holy Fire® workshops are under way this summer. The increased healing frequencies and upgrades in the levels of consciousness that Holy Fire® Reiki provides are very much needed during this time of tremendous transformation and growth and healing of humanity and the planet. Holy Fire workshops have a focus on enlightenment, spiritual awakening, finding your authentic self, and life purpose.   

One does not need to have Usui Reiki I and II in order to take Holy Fire® Reiki I and II. The requirement for Holy Fire® Reiki Master is to be a Level II Reiki practitioner, of any lineage for at least 6 months. The minimum requirement for Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki® Master is to be a Reiki Master, any lineage, for at least 6 months. To keep growing and healing within the 6 months, one is encouraged to practice doing sessions on self, friends, and family to build a strong foundation of readiness, presence, and conscious awareness.

What’s different about Holy Fire® vs. traditional Usui Reiki?

Holy Fire®:

  • is an upgraded and advanced energy frequency of the 3 RI and II Reiki symbols, and includes a brand-new symbol in Holy Fire® Reiki Master
  • focuses on whole body healing, spiritual unification and healing of Ego, Soul, Higher Self, Spirit
  • uncovers one’s Authentic Self and increases and expedites the development of conscious awareness, self empowerment, truth, and life purpose
  • is the direct connection with the Source and the Universe
  • includes Spiritual Resources who still advise and support us, but Holy Fire® Reiki energy is the guide and direct connection to the Source
  • has an upgraded attunement process that involves a much higher frequency and power of traditional Reiki. The traditional attunement has evolved and turned into Experiences and Placements in Holy Fire® RI and II; and to Ignitions in Holy Fire® Reiki Master training. 
  • matches the high frequencies of energy needed for healing the planet and humanity now
  • provides missing information about, and explains and honors how traditional Western Reiki has changed and grown from Dr. Usui, Dr. Hayashi, Mrs. Takata, to modern times. 

I’m pleased to now be able to return to teaching again and provide the personal touch through in-person training in a safe and supportive environment in the beautiful Fair Oaks Village as well as doing guest teaching at the Fair Oaks Massage School in Fair Oaks.

I look forward to sharing Reiki with you….

Marion Hakata, Living Reiki
Usui, Holy Fire®, Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki®


January 12, 2021

Thank you for visiting this website! Living Reiki provides training for all levels of Usui Reiki and Karuna Reiki®. We also offer classes featuring therapeutic-grade essential oils, sound healing, and drumming. Reiki integrates with all other healing methods to speed up the return to a whole and healthy state of being and balance in body, mind, and spirit.

March 16, 2020, opened to challenging times due to the Corona Virus which resulted in suspension of classes and private session work.  Here it is, January 2021, and we are still waiting for the green light to return to a new normal phase of doing this work.  It has been a quiet, healing opportunity for many of us to make choices regarding changes in our lives for transforming old ways of being and elevating our levels of consciousness.

A big change in 2020 included moving Living Reiki from the Sacramento location to Fair Oaks Village.  The lease for the Reiki studio was signed in February 2020 and business licenses were pending approval; however, on March 16, 2020, all plans in place were halted in order to comply with the stay-at-home directive due to CV-19. This phase has been a powerful time for healing and going inside, learning patience and presence, and creating a new beginning.

Body and Hearth, a beautiful boutique, and Living Reiki continue a business partnership which began sometime in 2009.

This period has also created time to take classes being offered by William Lee Rand, founder of the International Center for Reiki Training. He, too, had to reevaluate how he was going to continue to offer Reiki training and he decided it was time to teach Reiki on-line through Zoom.  I took his Holy Fire Karuna Reiki® Master training in April 2020 and plan to offer the 3-day intensive sometime in 2021. My ultimate desire is to teach in-person, but I may also decide to teach this intensive on-line. 

I prefer the personal touch that in-person training offers. Everything is contingent upon the ability to move through these changing times with grace and ease as well as sooner than later. Meanwhile, please continue to focus on doing inner work through meditation, self-Reiki, clean eating, and more.

Blessings, love and light, stay well and safe….

Marion Hakata
Founder, Living Reiki


What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is made up of two Japanese words. REI stands for universal or higher spiritual consciousness and KI stands for energy. Therefore REIKI stands for spiritually-guided universal life force energy.

Basically, Reiki (ray-key) is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that simultaneously promotes healing using life force energy. When the body relaxes, it heals naturally. Reiki is administered by “laying on of hands.” It also works with hands held above the body. Techniques such as this have been practiced for centuries.

Reiki is a meditation path, a practice, a spiritual resource that helps to heal the body, mind, and spirit. Reiki improves one’s life by encouraging healthy changes that are transformational and empowering. Reiki is also unconditional love.

Dr. Mikao Usui established his Usui Reiki Ryoho system of natural healing in 1922 after his awakening on Mt. Kurama when he did a 21-day meditation and fasting retreat. Most of his life he meditated and participated in a spiritual practice and ultimately studied Zen Buddhism. His system of natural healing is still performed in Japan as well as in many places in the world. Dr. Usui’s system of Reiki might aptly be described as a pathway to enlightenment, which includes healing on the body, mind, and spirit.


  • Works on the cause, vs. the effects of dis-ease and illness.
  • Speeds up healing of the physical body from injuries, accidents, operations; and minimizes the pain.
  • Releases blockages and promotes balance and harmony at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.
  • Releases anxiety and stress to promote relaxation and peace.
  • Releases tiredness and vitalizes the whole being.
  • Transforms old beliefs into new ones.
  • Results in personal empowerment, higher awareness, and enlightenment.
  • Facilitates heart and soul healing.
  • Works synergistically with traditional therapies and modern medicine. 

Our approach is open, allowing and from the heart. The emphasis is on hands-on practice, participation, and group sharing of experience—the real teacher. The learning environment is safe, supportive, and comfortable and filled with unconditional love. Can you imagine a world filled with peace and unconditional love? Reiki is one way to achieve peace, love, and a happy life.
